Blue Cart - Recyclable Materials

Let’s #RecycleRight! When it comes to recycling, we’re all in this together. By only putting accepted items into your recycling cart, you’re avoiding recycling contamination and ensuring more of your collected material is effectively managed and recycled. Read more about the Recycle BC recycling process by clicking here.
Beginning June 5, trained City staff will begin performing blue cart inspections to ensure only acceptable items are being placed in the blue carts.
Blue Cart Basics
- Place accepted recyclables in the cart loosely, without bagging them or nesting them inside one another.
- Rinse, squish and flatten items before placing them in the cart.
- Remove tape, string, ribbon, or other contaminants.
- Items must be under 60cm wide or tall.
- Make sure that the lid is closed completely.
- Take all beverage containers to a Return-It depot for a refund

Remember to place your carts at the curb by 8 a.m. on your scheduled collection day. Read more Cart Placement guidelines here. Check your “Collection Calendar”
to confirm your collection schedule.
Accepted Blue Cart Materials
Accepted Materials:
- Newspapers, inserts and flyers
- Magazines and catalogues
- Telephone books and other directories
- Writing and home office paper, paper envelopes, and note pads
- Paper gift wrap and greeting cards
- Shredded paper
- Recycle BC has updated how they will be accepting shredded paper via the curbside collection program. As of May 2023, shredded paper is to be placed in a paper bag or box (i.e., cereal box, shoe box, etc.) before placing in your blue cart.
Not Accepted in the Blue Recycling Cart:
- Hardcover or paperback books (donate or sell)
- Ribbons or bows
- Musical greeting cards with batteries (contact the Recycling Council of BC for battery and e-waste recycling options)
- Rubber bands
- Plastic bags used to cover newspapers/flyers (recycle at a Recycle BC depot)
Paper Packaging and Cardboard
Accepted Materials:
- Corrugated cardboard boxes used for shipping, grocery and liquor store boxes and pizza boxes
- Cardboard and boxboard boxes used for cereal, shoes, tissues, pizza, frozen entrees, desserts, detergent, etc.
- Cardboard packaging for cannabis product
- Carrier trays for bulk bottled water, soft drinks, cans, food, etc.
- Cores for paper towels and toilet tissue
- Moulded boxboard packaging for egg cartons, take-out beverage trays, paper-based plant pots
- Paper bags (also called kraft paper) and envelopes
- Multi-layered paper bags for flour, sugar, etc.
Not Accepted in the Blue Recycling Cart:
- Cardboard boxes with wax coating, such as empty boxes, made available for residents to transport their groceries home
- Paper bags with multiple layers that include a foil layer
- Paper bags with a plastic layer
- Paper towels, napkins (include with green waste, if applicable)
- Tissues
Plastic Containers
Accepted Materials:
- Plastic jugs with screw tops used for milk, cooking oil, laundry detergent and fabric softener, cleaning solutions, cleaning products, body care products, windshield washer fluid, etc.
- Plastic bottles with screw caps, spray pump, or pull-up tops for food, dish soap, mouthwash, shampoos, conditioners and other personal care products, pills and vitamins, laundry products, etc.
- Plastic jars with wide mouths and screw-top lids for peanut butter, jam, nuts, condiments, vitamins and supplements, personal care products, etc.
- Plastic packaging for cannabis product
- Plastic clamshells with hinged or click-closed tops for baked goods, fruit, produce, eggs, etc.
- Plastic black-bottom trays and clear tops for deli chicken, single-serve meals, prepared foods, baked goods, housewares, and hardware such as screws or picture hangers, etc.
- Plastic tubs and lids for food such as margarine and spreads, dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream, etc.
- Plastic cold drink cups with lids for take-out beverages
- Plastic garden pots and trays for bedding plants, seedlings, vegetable plants, etc.
- Plastic pails less than 25L for laundry detergent, ice cream, pet food, etc.
- Microwavable bowls and cups
- Empty single-use coffee and tea pods; remove lids and do not include lids with recycling
- Rigid plastic packaging for toys, toothbrushes, batteries, etc; remove paper backing and recycle separately
Materials Not Accepted in the Blue Recycling Cart:
- Containers for motor oil, vehicle lubricant or antifreeze products (call the RCBC Hotline 1-800-667-4321 or check Recyclepedia)
- Packaging labelled biodegradable or compostable
- Liquid-absorbing pads, e.g., in trays of meat, poultry, fish, etc.
- Plastic wrap
- Plastic blister packs e.g. plastic/foil protective packaging for chewing gum and pills
- Ceramic plant pots
- Lawn edging, tarps, plastic furniture or toys
- Garden hoses
- Plastic string or rope
- Plastic paint cans (call the RCBC Hotline 1-800-667-4321 or check Recyclepedia)
- Pails larger than 25L
- Pails for lubricants and oils (call the RCBC Hotline 1-800-667-4321 or check Recyclepedia)
- Microwavable bowls with metal rims
- Plastic or foil lids from coffee and tea pods
- Beverage bottles or jugs for flavoured tea, juice, or other beverages can be returned to depot for deposit refund or included in container recycling
Cartons and Paper Cups
Accepted Items:
- Paper cups for hot and cold beverages
- Cartons and boxes for milk, milk-type beverages, cream, substitute eggs, broth, sauces, etc.
- Frozen dessert boxes for ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc.
Not Accepted in the Blue Recycling Cart:
- Straws
- Juice cartons and boxes can be returned to depot for deposit refund or included in container recycling
Steel and Aluminum Containers
Accepted Materials:
- Steel containers for food including pet food; tins for cookies, tea, chocolates, etc.; includes metal lid
- Empty and rinse cans. Labels are OK
- Remove lids, drop into can and squeeze slightly
- Aluminum cans and lids used for food
- Aluminum foil wrap and foil take-out containers, including pie plates, food trays, etc.
- Empty aluminum aerosol containers used for food, air fresheners, shaving cream, deodorant, hairspray, foam insulation, etc.
Materials Not Accepted in the Blue Recycling Cart:
- Spray paint cans (call the RCBC Hotline 1-800-667-4321 or check Recyclepedia)
- Aerosol cans with any contents remaining
- Propane cylinders (call the RCBC Hotline 1-800-667-4321 or check Recyclepedia)
- Foil-lined cardboard take-out containers and lids
- Aluminum beverage containers can be returned to depot for deposit refund or included in container recycling
- Steel paint cans
- Coat hangers (return to dry cleaners)
- Pots, pans and baking trays
- Propane cylinders
- Metal toys
- Appliances
- Metal hardware or other scrap metal
- Wiring or metal cords, extension cords
- Steel beverage cans can be returned for deposit refund or included in container recycling
- Steel containers for food including pet food; tins for cookies, tea, chocolates, etc.; includes metal lid

Not Accepted Blue Cart Materials - Recycle BC Depot
These items are NOT accepted for collection via your Blue Cart. In order for these items to be recycled they MUST be taken to a Recycle BC DEPOT.
Not Accepted Blue Cart Materials
These items are NOT ACCEPTED for curbside collection and MUST be taken to an appropriate DROP OFF CENTRE to be disposed of properly.

Download the FREE Nanaimo Recycles App to learn What Goes Where and #RecycleRight!

Printable Recycling Guide
Are you looking for a detailed list of the paper and packaging items accepted in your blue recycling cart?

Contact Us
Last updated: November 13, 2024
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